martes, 17 de septiembre de 2019


Although you already don't plan to travel inmediately, you'd better checked that site. If you've planned to visit any country, you'll be well-informed at TripAdvisor by visitors or locals who gave a reviewed post on the places you've liked to visit...

If you've planned to visit Venezuela, during it's political turmoil and social unrest, I wouldn't add more to what ppl already said: This place is not safe for native so, as visible tourist, please, imagine how vulnerable you would be when going there with plenty $$$ to spent...

Todays bad news: Have you read one policeman from the outlawed FAES (Special force bolivarian police) was captured for raping?

Google it before those hypers get blocked!

And read that surely there are bad news on violation of Human Rights by several agencies of the communist State .

As an international forum,  TripAdvisor is well-informed too!

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