miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Farewell C.C.

I wish this could be written my own language, but I cannot because that is one of the things I´m aware of when I registered.
I wish I could tell all the things I learned and wish to say, but I´m aware of the CC censorship and that, its members, do very well to keep it on, so I won´t be permitted to say these things my own way and, I believed very few people would react touchily or offended.

I am glad I enjoyed interacting with several people in here and, additionally, I´d like to thank a couple of persons who shared the music they liked and, by their tips, I´m enjoying to myself Jesus Culture or TFK... Thank you!

I would also like to thank those FRIENDS whom I enjoyed, those of whom I interact with, but I won´t mention any name or nick, except those who were not that real but, at least, they dared to say -and combat- and that is the hypocrisy people can find wherever they go and that we would meet on this world, not matter people change their names, social or religious status, race or party groups.

Praus! I don´t know the reasons why you were banned and you did well telling some truths, but you hurt people when exposing them too naked with their hypocrisy (a thing that is not of my business, but solely theirs).

Alexis or Buckets! I don´t know if you too were the same person. I also admit you puzzled me a lot, that I thought “Alaskan” girls were smart enough, but I have found (to myself) that southern people are widely segregated, along with other people, and I don´t really care! But I wanted to mention here than I´m a southern people too: I´m a Venezuelan and, here, I also have seen hypocrisy and that´s why I came here to see if MY problem was so local, formalized and too limited to a race or community of believers, oddly focused.

LAV! If you really loved yourself, you wouldn´t cheat on people´s credibility for your own selfish benefit or to be “healed” from whatever thing others might have done in your life. I´m not sure if you are or were the person you´ve said you were, in fact, that is not my business, but you did something I would try “to correct” (and confront) the way I did, because that was so personal, the way I am. EXCUSE ME if I hurt you! But you hurt me first. I missed you, but I´m used to miss many things and persons (that it is that you were new to me). How would you hurt those persons you said you misssed or loved for your own selfish gain? That´s your problem! I´m loosing nothing saying I lost confidence the people I see entering or leaving there, just chatting or lying to make us believe...

Young people! You are truly brave. I envied you nothing. You are amazing, really strong. I couldn´t have left without thanking you a lot, but I don´t want to be more divisive. Just one more thing: Don´t be naive. Don´t share all those things publicly. Your thoughts could be preyed as a catfish or a scammer actually does.

Conspiracies and conspirators? I realized this very problem is “hidden” inside many churches. I came to believe that Jesus, He and Himself, is the only ONE who knows who His people are. We are so clichéd, so fond of our righteousness, that we will be taken (or left) utterly surprised on earth, any moment (it could be now) when He comes back with His people.

If you are afraid of something, anything you would "endanger" your life to the most, your honor or whatever thing you would regret later, don´t make it public, do not vent or hurt yourself (later on that can be easily seen).

Trust is not that easy, is not widely spread as in movies. Life teaches on the mistakes any person may suffer. The street, the church and everywhere, there are people undeserving, those who offend if you say who you are or those things you would like to find and, if you would tell them: Why are you flirting or taking notes on people´s life, if they would lie, because we are also the people they prey.

Recently I learned that very thing I said in another site.

Some “woman” came in giving me her “personal” address without any of my solicitations (I don´t remember if gmail or yahoo) but she wanted me to leave the “safety” of that matchmaking site I was registered. So, the moment she asked me to write back so directly to “her”, I laughed to myself and told her: “Why do you want me to use your personal email?”. She promised me I would receive “her” pictures, so she could be seen...

I laughed again! (secretly)

I said that, if I would like to “see” someone, I could surf the whole net to get whatever thing I thought I needed and, of course, I didn´t say too much: “She” was a scammer, a cheater... an impostor and, last night, the administrators banned that person: I think it´s okey! But I am aware of many things while we are more vulnerable when telling the truth, and not lying.

That´s a personal choice! You sin whenever you sin. That´s your problem and decision. But it hurts!

If you are a Christian, I do believe you have God´s Spirit discerning and leading your life with many of YOUR decisions. You do surely know when a person is selfish, easily offended, somewhat cheeky or simply despised or hurt.

If you are old enough, if you are easily hurt, just go to read what people think.

Have you ever thought about the reasons a woman has (as a need) to change the color of her hair or the pictures she often changes to draw more attention?

I laughed at Valentine´s!

I saw many people changing their profile pictures, they dared to be “exposed” but, the more important thing I did loved, it was when I saw the real people exposed their hearts.

I cannot control other people´s choice, ideas or reactions. In fact, I´m not a controller and certainly have disliked seeing people controlling others (that´s not my business).

I have enjoyed being ignored. I´m not sure if this last words would be read, pondered or left on my blog, but I wanted to say goodbye being honest, although I limited my full insight because I dared to be kicked off, etc.

I do know I´m limited to say more because there is a some big problem when “my freedom” can hurt others, their rights or business, and that´s why some have to be banned (if you ban me, it´s okey).

I don´t plan to come here anymore! I will not use this nick and I also left track-able info on the “Tech” forum. Each time you might see something like (058) it might be a Venezuelan creeping around.

Those things are not local, these are widely spread and that´s why Satan may win some who do not belong to God and His chosen one. To me, I do care to be vulnerable, self-exposed, because any bullet can save my life to the place where I want to be finally gone (although I´m aware I have some children to back up).


Good bye and thanks!

sábado, 8 de febrero de 2014

Love at first sight

Many folks grew with this hunch. Many watched those romantic movies telling our heart “this might be true” but, how many people have found it as completely true?

Perhaps many grew with Disney's movies. Millions of people heard it was real, up to the moment the faced it wasn't that way, but it was worthy to keep it alive, because it gave them live.

I can remember a couple of faces I saw in my childhood, but that feeling it wasn't love, but a desire to get it, to have it, to hold it; but it wasn't real, we didn't make it worked.

Growing old we saw those faces, but we couldn't get their minds, their inner beings and, if we ever had a glimpse on those hearts, we all were to dark to see the light in between: We split, we left, we hurt when being hurt (or cheated on).

Love is not just a telling, a feeling, it's a real giving. Love is not a simple choice, it is much more than a simple decision: It's a willful decision.

Someone wrote “the Curse of choosing a soul-mate” and said something about Rebekkah and Isaac. He said God was all behind that marriage, but he forgot to tell that there were more human reasons pushing Rebekkah to marry a man she never saw or knew. He bypassed mentioning the monetary status Rebekkah (and her family) saw as an additional blessing on Isaac's father, because that servant told them Isaac was the heir of Abraham's belongings.

That someone wrote this: “ If Rebekah went to Isaac, without seeing him, and accept it as the Will of God/Elohim, then why do all of these "believers" today think that they get to cast the deciding vote? ”. I'd like to share my ideas here -and there- because I cannot post in that article I found it “fine”, up to the moment that person said “it is a curse making a personal choice”.

As far as I read the OT, I see GOD gave each man freewill. He brought to Adam each animal and Adam gave them some names (I don know) but it is the first proof I see He (God) man freedom to pick, to choose, as a freewill.

Afterwards, He saw the man so “alone”, that He gave him an Eve...

How come will a man be ONE, with his “flesh”, if a woman lacks what he likes from a woman?

I guess Adam saw something “missing” he founded out on the person GOD gave him to LOVE, to care, to protect, etc.

Rebekkah, on the other side, saw Isaac's grace on the prosperity his servant brought to her house. Laban bent down, as a servant, just after he saw the generosity that man carried, but it was for Abraham's sake. It wasn't the servant's wealth! (Do you need to pick “poverty” instead of some earthly confort?)

God prospered Abraham and that servant way's, but the blessing was on Abraham's hand, and on Isaac reach, as heir.

Yesterday I visited someone (whose name I won't say) and she told me some domestic problems she had at home. She told me her man hides the coke or bread he buys, just to avoid that person's daughter eats what he brought “home”. I got shocked, but I was told he came to her life when he was jobless, when he wasn't studying and -barely- he had finished high school and -being in that condition- she took him into her heart (and house) and, more than once, she gave him money and helped him to finish a college career. Let's thank GOD for that! But now he is jealous his benefactor had had one children before they both have “made” one son he now wants as her unique heir...

Wow! He is not jealous of my friend's daughter. His zeal is not for his son, because I know he wants that woman's daughter leaves that apartment alone to get more marital power and, in case they divorce, he thinks he could get his big share (I know it! Because I have talked with him largely, several times, before I knew this “local” problem).

None of them are committed Christians.

That person is a sibling, so I am related to this very closely, and I am happy to know SHE LOVES HIM THE WAY HE IS (He was hurt in his childhood; but I don't condone it, because both parents are responsible for the end of this “rare” problem: They made a choice and one is more coherent -and eagerly committed- with this loving and unresolved problem: That woman).

I don't know how they fell in love. I don't need to know how romantic that was. “Romantic” is that they sort it out, because that woman had a daughter from a man who mistreated and, now, she see another man misbehaves, but both agreed on having one son (not legally married! But in Venezuela same “right” applies as if they were a married couple).

Love at first sight is -somewhat- and infatuation. All those hopes, wishes, may come in a flashback dream, but it needs cement, GOD as a matchmaker, and renewed commitments. I'm sure all made wrong choices but, those who keep them alive, are devoted to the person they chose, and seldom (or never) planned to be cheating, because they stopped winking at their secrets emotions.

Why do you see too many persons getting well dressed on Fridays?

Do they plan a date with another person (not being their spouses)?

God assured Isaac's wife by giving some wealth to his father. God worked on Rebekkah, but also worked on the ways this present world works: Material stuff are an asset, particularly when a woman already has children (or plans to get them).

I don't know why many persons hide with their lies.

I'm sure Abraham chose his wife willfully, from his very people or siblings. Just read the O.T. What was the reason he called her “sister”? It was! But they didn't have the same parents. Moses took another wife, different from the former, and the new one was from Africa... Was it the reason Miriam fought against his brother's leadership?

Jacob loved the one he chose, but Laban tricked him to get him would work for seven more years... Was it love at first sight? Jacob showed the love he had for Rachel with deeds, not with empty words.

The whole life tells me we needed to choose -and pick- each decision. Those granted things were sometimes disregarded. Those who came along, who wanted to be very close to us -by clinging- were somehow despised or utterly ignored with their fears and pains, hurt, with those lies we thought we could hide.
Someone talked back. He told he (or she) could hide as long as pleased, but history has shown humans needed to make choices and God, as well, has shown He made His decisions and -the last- was sending His own Son to invite us to repent, to turn away from our “domestic” sins...

What an awesome history Jesus has written in our lives!



Wow! Here's a reply someone gave at that religious person who have said “there was a curse when choosing”. I just leave it here for you to see:

Listen, this whole dating thing is wired into the human brain. The way people and other living creatures work is that we seek out the strongest, smartest, nicest, kindest, prettiest, healthiest partner that we can find. You shouldn't blame people for that. This is the way we work. You don't want to marry a frog, do you? So, outward appearance does matter. Of course, if we were living in a culture where arranged marriages are the norm, then we would probably go with our traditions. I don't know where you live, but in my culture, we have to find our partners ourselves. Others aren't going to do it for us, so we have to do it ourselves. This has some advantages and disadvantages, of course. Everybody is different in some ways, so all of us aren't looking for the exact same woman or the exact same man. But we all look for someone who appears intelligent, healthy, etc... you get the point. By the way, I don't think that you should put so much emphasis on the word "soul mate." Marriage is about love. You either love someone or you don't. Of course, people can easily and naturally co-exist with some people but not with others. We also have to find a partner that is a good fit. In other words, if two people are roommates and can't get along at all, then those people would not make a good couple, I think.

We are not ghosts, as long as we live on earth. So we'd better understand men have to use their eyes. If you are accepted -loved- the way you are: Just thank GOD!

It is a miracle, a blessing, loving someone who is not perfect (the infatuated way we could think we are).