sábado, 16 de julio de 2016

Getting any close to Him?

I've been seeking the truth for years. Most of the times since I got converted into Protestan Christianism, I've tried to have a close personal encounter with God (or Jesus) and, those times I think I have approached to them spiritually, those times have been by gruping and guessing they were talking to me in one way.

By 2009 Mónica and I thought God answered our prayers on what to do, before I moved to Colombia. We interpreted God gave us a sign when we saw two moving stars. They came along from two opposite side to reach one another, to meet aligned in one line. We thought the two stars represented us and, the moment one left toward Colombia, I thought it was the answer I was seeking but, today (July 16th, 2016), I see it another way, as God's answer, telling me what I should have done before I had moved out from Venezuela...

I never saw UFOs! We were praying earnestly for a divine direction on what to do and, that night, we were coming home, seeking for the truth on the riht thing to do. I never used drugs neither we took any sort of allucinogens so, what Mónica and I saw was unexpected and real, as these words I'm typing now. I have spoken that to my friend Juan L., and he also have seen a sort of those UFOs somewhere else before. I also shared my personal experience with a client, and he told me he saw something amazing when he was younger: He described a rare noise near a wood he saw bathed by shining lights. He was in the company of a relative in that odd experience, but I don't remember if he was with his brother or someone else I forgot particular details. My client asked him to get closer, the light reached their eyes in a way they hardly could see and, when they tried to reach that site, there was a strong earthquake. They fell down, and those machines they saw as a amazing circus, suddenly disappeared. My client wanted to see what was left, he asked his companion to reach that place, but a new huge fear -I can't describe- invaded them, in a fashion they could not find their way to escape. His witness to thiese things deserved to be heard and recorded, but heś such an old fashioned Christian that I doubt he would be willing to get his words pulished, since his experience brings no glory to God, but to something rare he doesn't know what was at his childhood.

This week I received a newsletter “Paul: Jewish Law and Early Christianity” a free ebook from www.biblicalarchaeology.org . I'm reading their PDF file, and here I see I´m not the only one having strong issues against Paul 's writings and contradictory teachings. It is my belief he wasn't a real apostle Jesus Christ chose and, anything I've believed is totally irrelevant, except what I'm doing with it before God and against the benefit of human race. 

Do I have to know God by a handed over second-hand experience?

I have written enough about my zeal and concern on that matter. If I was a Jew the Torah and their teachings could be enough to grasp what they have believed by childish faith but, if I really think of a God demanding absolute devotion or love, physical and emotional exclusivity (as anyone can read studying the firsts Ten Commands) I see something missing, and it is (a) the friendly bond a lover might regret when his/her loved one seemed detached and (b) distantly cold and unconcerned.

If I'm asked to love God by blind obedience, as the average Catholic teachings normally said, I'm bound to reach nowhere, as if I tried to love a picture of a eautiful woman I would never reach and, in the lucky case I might meet her for a while, I'm not in the physical or economical condition I could give everything she might like to enjoy herself dwelling with me. If God really wanted such an emotional and physical exclusivity -as average lovers always do- why is He so far to be personally heard or definitivelly reached?

Paul said God met him on his way to Damascus. He said his group saw the lights but only he heard the voice talking... Is God always seeking few particular people, while He seems to be rejecting bunches of them, who badly need Him to lead their confused lives?

Paul tried to defend his “ministry”, his “service” and “apostleship” before God and men; a thing we haven't heard of nor read about with those servants Jesus formely chose during His earthly ministry. Perhaps you're not acquanted with those letters Paul wrote “to show” he had the same spiritual stature Peter or John had forgotten (or shadowed) while Acts is read, and quickly those Paul's 12 or 13 epistles tell about him travelling with turmoils, performing more miracles than those who personaly lived with Jesus... And such “epic” in which Paul is shown with a bold and stronger performance, the 11 apostles seemed to be hid, undermined (or dimmed) while the Gospel tells of the miracles God performed by the hands of Jesus, and His Jewish former apostles.

The Lord Jesus Christ announced Jewish leaders will be finally rejected by God. My Lord told He had chosen new people to seek Him and, the moment He died at the cross, John told that that curtain veiling the access to the Holy Place was torn from the above... How come will Jews insist on being the only ones chosen, after killing their Lord and Saviour?

Peter and Paul.
An icon from Ethioia, by 15th century.

A couple of years back on a Christian Chat Forum, I said Paul (Shaul) was he 1st Jew willing to convert into Catholicism. Perhaps many people won't agree with my beliefs, but I hope that my beliefs will produce no harm to what you've actually believed.
As far as I travelled this Christian faith, I've seen traditional Catholicism is hugely syncretist. This is a melting of pagan beliefs, iconoclastic idolatry, expecting the believer turns to God, just following the Catholic dogmas, their religious system of that church, obeying their traditions as infallible, honoring their priests and their saints, as they also want their followers to worship Mary, as a co-redeeer. Have you seen how Latin Americans have merged their native folklore with the Catholic beliefs? I have seen it well, and that's why I know Catholicism is too far from home...

Judaism seemed to be progressively superseeded by the original Christianism Jewish apostles initially sought, and that's why I willingly recommended the reading of the PDF file I mentioned before ( Paul: Jewish Law and Early Christianity – from www.biblicalarchaeology.org ).

Were original Paul's teachings manipulated and altered? I don't know! But my personal dilemma lies solely on hearing or reaching God (or Jesus), meeting Him (them) personally, and not by handed over second-handed teachings.

The more I read the Bible I see God getting undetached, unrelated, until the time Jesus appeared into history. Once He left, distance is set again, with the promise of “being here” with the help of the Holy Spirit, with the guidance of his words... I wish He were easily heard and found by those who earnestly seek Him. We are made (and wired) in a way we cling to be met. We need to experiment a human touch. We love to tangibly hear and to be heard, and too little persons are prone to love people (or someone) at cold or undetached distance... I think God, the universal Maker, could be aware of that, too.

A. Toro July 16th, 2016