martes, 29 de octubre de 2019

Not a sinner happily engaged ...

Does "believing " makes a person an idolater or a religious folk? If so, I'm a secular idolater but not a religious guy except I was happily engaged with a woman I made happier.

Yes! I don't attend any church I'm getting rid of all the belief system I had (Christiany) yet learning about the NDEs brought me back to the God I want to befriend and know first hand and NOT by an umptienth account (I wish God was more accesible) and I got rid of many tales as X-mas and I don't mind Jesus was my older brother, but NOT as the true God I think I missed.

It's unbelieveable we were His creatures and He left us (alone) because we OFTEN do things He dislikes... I took care of my Dad untill His last weeks and I take care of my Mom, as much as we BOTH tolerate one another... Will I leave my kids to guess where I am?

Love is or should be talkative! If He was the maker of all manhood He surely know what's deep inside of each human being.

Talking and learning from NDErs helped me realized I was lied by those who were also lied or ill-biased ones by religion.

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