lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2019

¿El problema es Maduro o Venezuela?

Aunque toda forma de gobierno sea para organizar una estructura de explotación, el comunismo "socialista" no es mejor que la explotación política de aquellos que crean a la religión del Credo de las dictaduras Rojas.

Maduro y su entorno oligarquico, con el nepostimo de varias familias como los Chávez o RodrígRodríguez, sólo piensan en su PERMANENCIA y CONVENIENCIA en el poder. Si acá no hubiese constantes violaciones de derechos humanos, jamás se hubieran contratado asesinos en serie ni violadores, tal como puede inferirse tras la detención de un funcionario de la FAES que no solamente violaba mujeres, sino que las extorsionaba una vez violadas y, por fortuna, ellas se armaron de valor, sobrevivieron su situación de víctimas, y denunciaron los crímenes que se leen en las noticias. 👇

¿Se nos olvidan los crímenes de los GNB, del Sebim, entre otros, contra ciudadanos, civiles y militares detenidos?

Es cuestionable que demasiados organismos del Estado contraten sujetos que no sean psicoanalizados para detectar sus taras, sus mentales ni su soberbia cuando resultan investidos con un uniforme que jamás debieron poseer.

Maduro, al igual que una cantidad indeterminada de personas sólo pretenden ganar tiempo (y perpetuarperpetuarse en el inmerecido poder que usufructúan y, desde luego, ellos sólo desedesean que ellos son las víctimas, en tanto, somos todos nosotros, los que tenemos y sufrimos las vicisitudes de 1) pésimos gobernantes 2) muy malos administradores de los recursos de Venezuela.

¿Están haciendo mal tantos países que saben que Venezuela padece los males de una dictadura tecnificada?

1) La Smartmatic admitió que la data electoral fue manipulada en la pasada elección presidencial de mayo 2018
2) El volumen de "13" millones de firmas recogidas contra la campaña del #nomoretrump jamás representa un 10% de la población nacional (estimada cercana a 30 millones)
3) El CLAP es un sistema de manipulación política en la que el Estado comunista obliga y coacciona a cada jefe de familia a firmar en el libro de #NoMoreTrump, caso contrario, el "beneficio" alimentario (pagado en dinero efectivo encarecido) será removido a todo aquel que respalde una intervención extranjera en Venezuela.

¿Qué tiene que negociar Maduro con Trump?

Los Estados Unidos son bastante independientes para decidir sus políticas económicas y judiciales. Venezuela tiene dos décadas luchando en un comunismo que solamente ha beneficiados a unos pocos (mayormente, comerciantes informales que NUNCA dejarán de ser miserables bachaqueros de Cerro y pueblo).

Si yo fuera presidente de USA, desde hace meses, habría intervenido Miraflores para eliminar tanto vector, gusanos y de este gobierno.

La ineptitud de Maduro y de su equipo de (des)gobierno no han podido detener la mortandad de un gobierno descalificado e incalificable: Si no pudieron resolver la crisis económica y social en meses estériles ¿cómo responderá Maduro frente al embate de la guerra social?

Todos los comunistas deben ser removidos de ese poder temporal venezolano.

 Si su incapacidad no resolvió en la miseria (de mejores años pagados) se puede inferir que, tampoco lo harán mañana.

Maduro y sus asociados son pro comunistas y es evidentemente público que la Venezuela comunista, junto con su subordinación a Cuba, ambas promovieron una suerte de ARMISTICIO en Colombia, con la idea de que hubiera plena amnistía y pacificación de la guerrilla, sólo para DESPENALIZAR a criminales y terroristas del vecino país... ¿Por qué no se criminalizó a Maduro, cuando en cadena nacional, ofreció bonificar a todo aquel que fuera a votar por él , en las elecciones de mayo 2918?

Ninguno de los órganos del Estado penalizaron a Maduro por ese crímen político y, no lo hicieron, porque todos nos hemos prostituido como meretrices buscando la dádivade 1 mendrugo.

Con terroristas NO se negocia y, el gobierno de Maduro es amigo de la guerrilla y de los terroristas de Oriente medio.

Pres. Trump and USA:


If sanctions are removed, you'll have enemies closer to attack USA and sorrounded LatAm nations.

24 sept 2019

Hoy, en la TV de Globovisión, con Vladimir a la 1pm, el ex rector dijo, entre muchas cosas:

"El ex rector del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE)Vicente Díaz, consideró que el Acuerdo de la Mesa de Diálogo Nacional, que reúne a factores de la oposición venezolana y el oficialismo, "avanzará hasta donde el Psuv quiera que avance".
A través del mecanismo de la Mesa de Diálogo Nacional, el gobierno busca "generar un ambiente de normalización sin disputarse la alternabilidad en el poder", sostuvo.
Con el documento firmado en la Casa Amarilla, el oficialismo perseguiría una serie de objetivos, entre los cuáles contemplaría en primer lugar "la foto en familia", que sería "una reunión donde ellos (oficialismo) puedan decir en Naciones Unidas que estén sentados dialogando, y acusar a Estados Unidos de injerencismo".
En segundo lugar, "minimizar acciones y decisiones que puedan venir de la Unión Europea". Por último, buscaría "poner a la oposición a pelear".
¿Alguien ve las cosa claramente en Vzla?
Maduro en Rusia
DesCabello en Corea Comunista y Arreaza y los Rodríguez en una comitiva despotricando en Nva York...

La DICTADURA hay que acabarla antes de que se fortalezca la tiranía en LatAm.

domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2019

Hide or seek?

It's been more than 10 years I've been online using several nicks and impersonating different playroles... 😉

I have loved ppl l I've met online and, by passing time, I was left behind because I'm not the guy they imagined (or planned) I would be, but I never hid myself on the way they keep on doing, simply showing their "best" (yet hiding their shitty and human shadows).

Socializing online emotionally helped me learned what I never thought about me, and the whole world. I never knew this virtual cosmos was bigger than I thought it was (in fact it's bigger than we thought it would be).

On netlog, I think I've met Elizabeth. I quickly knew she wasn't the "one" I would pick to cherish or love, but she enticed me enough to circunvent the red flags 🇨🇳 🇧🇭🇭🇰 I've noticed, and the moment she knew I wasn't the mate she thought she deserved, I was lovingly kicked off, the way I knew it would be (but certainly I enjoyed that time, I've learnt more about ppl's unfair / odd expectations) and later on, by 2014, I made a similar mistake when I met Carolina personally.

Carol was in Colombia. She usually showed her hurting heart while she hid her face.

I wanted to help her overcome her hurt feelings... She usually wrote she was brokenhearted, and I didn't know she was having a love affair while she was married! (I've been such a fool trying to help cheaters who were cheated on).

I think I was deeply concerned on Carol's issues. I ignored she was a talented artist mastering her charming means to get the attention she thought she deserved: If she openly showed her face (and body shape) from the beginning, I imagine she would have gained the attention of more fans, more ppl she would have checked or picked at desire, as "things" that could be instruments of prey or any play.

She knew my real birthday and after months she said she came to the city I was... She told me she has planned to give me a birthday present (I knew she was flirting), but I never thought she could be as beautiful as she was those days...

Now I understand why some girls/women needed to play their foolish "hide & seek" games.

Needless to say I fell in love after hugs and kisses I received in the mouth. 😘

I never thought my deep concern in her well-being could give me anything back, a love toll in return.

To make this love story short, I knew too many things quickly and soon I got jealous, and she hated me (I'm not the one who would share "my" mate with those she might also love).

Yet my foolish heart forgot she was a hurting cheater. I selfishly believed I had all she sought (she never said) but I misread her hugs and wet kisses...

As you surely would have guessed, she liked and loved too many ppl; but that relationship (I thought I've gained) promised nothing to no one, and I'm glad I knew I made my mistakes.

One day, when I looked at her breast, she said something like this, "What an irony! One man paid for these tits I now have, and it's another who enjoyed them..."

In a nutshel, that was a twofold story of illegal abandonement:
1) Her husband was loving a younger woman instead of his cheating wife.
2) The unloyal wife (Carol) was missing a musician she loved, because he had decided to turn back to the wife he has been cheating with Carol... What was my real position in playing both cheating games?

I'm a fool like any other is (or plays).

Women pick all those they think "best".

We, both men & women, love to prey and be loved "víctims".

So here I show a pictured of another cheater who wants to know what to do                        👇

If I was a rich fat man or a wealthy / poor Adonis, I would show who I am to spare myself from troubles and save few moments of time (I guess most of those who considered themselves ugly -or unlikeable- hid their faces and bodies thinking WE humans would love an idealized soul they've believed they gained). None of us is perfect!

If I don't ACCEPT myself, If I don't work around my personal FAILURES and shortcomings I won't be sold out (to remain being the same lonely thing people left behind).

I have "met" ppl who missed the WHO I am. I have met ppl I also misundertood but, If I had another day to love the person I love, my whole day won't be another daydreaming: Whomever YOU have got it's your personal achievement!

I'm not sure If Bernie Taupin inspired all the lyrics of Elton John's songs but, whatever person was behind, he/she was right: "...some things never change... we can build a bridge between us, but THE EMPTY space remains".

We're never plenty! We always want more (free things, fans, experiences, love affairs, money, etc.)

If Adan really was in that Garden with Eve, what did they lack or missed having all?

I wish I had God!

I wish I were removed to other world and, If nothing could be better, I wish I died in a sleep I never wake up: Selfishness sucks!

 I'm upset of humanhood.

 I'm tired of evil games!

martes, 17 de septiembre de 2019


Although you already don't plan to travel inmediately, you'd better checked that site. If you've planned to visit any country, you'll be well-informed at TripAdvisor by visitors or locals who gave a reviewed post on the places you've liked to visit...

If you've planned to visit Venezuela, during it's political turmoil and social unrest, I wouldn't add more to what ppl already said: This place is not safe for native so, as visible tourist, please, imagine how vulnerable you would be when going there with plenty $$$ to spent...

Todays bad news: Have you read one policeman from the outlawed FAES (Special force bolivarian police) was captured for raping?

Google it before those hypers get blocked!

And read that surely there are bad news on violation of Human Rights by several agencies of the communist State .

As an international forum,  TripAdvisor is well-informed too!

domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2019

Hi Tokidoki!

I hope U had sorted out that thing you've mentioned in Uk i would volunteer, but I seldom use the internet , so I cannot lie saying "I would help you" (since this post is old and heavens gave you what you probably needed).

Whatever happened, I laughed at the pic I'll upload 👉

Partners or friends ARE FOUND statistically the places you like (1) or the places THEY like (2) so, if I planned to get a LONG-TERM relationship, i'd better visit the places where there are more FISH 🐟, If I heard a 🐳 singing, I would open up my heart to listen to what she sings.

This is not a lonely life! But a lonely search. 😉

Talked on ePression...

Well, I guess many ppl at that age would get retire, economically less productive or sick of loneliness.I agree on what Joseph and Gustavo said, comercial TV is not a good friend, except you watched the movies YOU do like.LatAm has too many soup operas and, since I paid a visit my Mom, I'm getting used to watch what she sees on TV (there's a colombian soap opera Named "Zumba", and probably I'll stay will Mom to laugh a little).On the othe side, "social" websites should be acknowledged as "asocial"; yet they're clean and cheaper that meeting real ppl, whatever happens, you'll see who is who...
When I got EMOTIONALLY divorced, physically detached from the one I slept, the internet served me a lot to vent my rants (I met personally several women I loved)

Please, do not isolate

miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2019

Trump: Unwilling to talk?

Few minutes back, the pres. of the USA said he doesn't want to talk to Nick Maduro, the illegal pres. of Vzla...

I've liked what Donald Trump said at the interview, but it seems Maduro will get more time before he was ousted from the political undeserved seat he already has.

It belongs to God Nick Maduro was utterly removed from office as Sen. Bolton was today, Sept. 11, 2019

If one tower fell, 2 twin towers will fall down and I'm expecting to see what's the next head...