lunes, 27 de agosto de 2012

Hello, Dear God!

I´d like to thank you for the marvelous gift of love, for sharing these last days with someone I liked and wished to marry with.

You know what I lack and what would hinder this relationship (faith and common ground in your ways).

I ´d like to ask you for her, for her mental healing and mine (you know our pains and sorrows).

Before Thee I pray for forgiveness, You know everything I did and what we did, against one another.

I´m not sure what this could serve for, except that you love her, and have loved me granting me this joy of life (just by feeling I was loved, and falling in love for her).

Please, help she recovers and DO YOUR WILL.

Teach her your ways and help me walk, again, in your holy path.

I´m tired, tired and torn, but I ask you to give us power to overcome pain and evil and, if it is your will, lead us to know your complete will much better.

I´m lost! I don´t know where I´m going, and I´ve cherished this feeling too much (it was deeply enjoyed).

I don´t know what to do. I´m afraid of being wrong or hurting her, with no reason; but I tried to set the things clear.

Please! Help her to understand and be quickly healed, and do what you want me to do. 

Forgive me!
Forgive her!

We don´t know your plans or will.
And lead us to your truth, just by being truly true.

In Jesus Christ name, I prayed. Amen!

A.T.          August 26, 2012

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