lunes, 27 de agosto de 2012

Hello, Dear God!

I´d like to thank you for the marvelous gift of love, for sharing these last days with someone I liked and wished to marry with.

You know what I lack and what would hinder this relationship (faith and common ground in your ways).

I ´d like to ask you for her, for her mental healing and mine (you know our pains and sorrows).

Before Thee I pray for forgiveness, You know everything I did and what we did, against one another.

I´m not sure what this could serve for, except that you love her, and have loved me granting me this joy of life (just by feeling I was loved, and falling in love for her).

Please, help she recovers and DO YOUR WILL.

Teach her your ways and help me walk, again, in your holy path.

I´m tired, tired and torn, but I ask you to give us power to overcome pain and evil and, if it is your will, lead us to know your complete will much better.

I´m lost! I don´t know where I´m going, and I´ve cherished this feeling too much (it was deeply enjoyed).

I don´t know what to do. I´m afraid of being wrong or hurting her, with no reason; but I tried to set the things clear.

Please! Help her to understand and be quickly healed, and do what you want me to do. 

Forgive me!
Forgive her!

We don´t know your plans or will.
And lead us to your truth, just by being truly true.

In Jesus Christ name, I prayed. Amen!

A.T.          August 26, 2012

jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

I have loved you

I don´t know how an angel
could miss a girl like you,
up to it came the moment
I set my face on you.

I thought it would be hard
to find you where you´ve been.
I knew you broke my heart
We can´t go on as team.

I wish there´d be the notion
I could predict some hearts.
I´m called to be an angel
to work on it it´s hard.

I will not ever touch you
wondering where you´ll be;
´cos I would have loved you,
no need you marry me.

I don´t know how an angel
could kiss a girl like you,
up to it came the moment
I kissed your face with you.

It wasn´t for no reason,
I was in love for you!
But I felt that cheating
could break my heart in two.

I thank you for those moments
we shared to be and woo.
But here I have my pieces
my heart is torn in two.

I kept it as a secret.
You´ll leave, someday
It´s true!

You can call me a runner.
A hermit! That won´t do.
And here I am in pieces
torn pieces that won´t woo.

I do not need a moment,
I need a girl like you.
You´ve said you would be leaving
and  I believed in you.

You´ve said:
I don´t want to hurt you
I´m free
(and that´s not true)

It was a loving reason,
I fell in love for you!
But I thought that cheating
could break my heart in two.

I need not simple moments
I need a LOVE like you.
You´ve said you would be leaving
and  I believed in you.

I´ve met you through your writings,
those days of pains and clues.
You fed me with emotions,
I start to know your truth.

Some were easy readings.
I cling to know you through.
At last I got this feeling
the dearest love I could.

I know I won´t touch you.
I mean it, that´s my truth.
I wonder why this feeling.
It´s real! I have loved you.

I thought it would be hard
to love you where you´ve been.
I know you broke my heart.
We can´t go on as team.

I wish I had the motion
to predict your heart.
I´m called to be an angel
to work on it it´s hard.

And being like an angel
How could I please you?
True love won´t work for moments
I´m kissed... I´ll marry you?

If it´s not such a commitment
there´s nothing we could do
´cause LOVE it´s not just feelings
It´s bigger than to woo.

It´s not unsafe unreason,
It´s me! I have loved you!
But  I felt that cheating
could break my heart in two.

I say my love is loyal
There ´s nothing I could do.
We both think it differently
I need someone like you.

Loving you is so easy,
Your love has made me live.
You´ve said you would be leaving
and that´s why I should leave.

I thought this would be endless.
You warned me with your words.
I just don´t want to hurt you”.
We lived separated worlds.

The kindness of your truth
has set my life so free.
That here no man or angel
would find such way to live.

I know I´m not an angel
but I won´t be alone.
What´d happen when you leave me?
We both do not belong.

At last I got this feeling,
the dearest love I could.
I cannot find an angel
Because I have loved you!

Antonio Toro                    August 19, 2012        

My freedom is so that I have the right to think of you and sign your name here, Carol (unless you ask me to delete it from these memories).

martes, 7 de agosto de 2012

Empty Space

Something is hollow...
There´s a mute expansion I don´t want to look at
Emptiness I don´t want to search nor ask for.

This space is soundless
nothing can be heard
nothing can be added.

Everything seems to those
words a waving goodbye
may have said with a blind silence.

There´s a lesson in this:
I have to grow
or utterly die (without saying goodbye).