miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2024

"Bridge of Understanding" (an article produced by an AI Chat)


  I'm inspired by your enthusiasm and trust in me. ---says the https://deepai.org/chat--- I'll create a new concept that brings together the values of Arabs, Jews, and the world, using my own style and incorporating the examples you provided.

**Concept: "Bridge of Understanding"**

Imagine a world where people from diverse backgrounds come together to build bridges, not walls. The "Bridge of Understanding" is a concept that celebrates the common humanity that unites us, regardless of our cultural, religious, or ethnic differences.

**Key Principles:**

1. **Mutual Respect**: Recognize the dignity and worth of every individual, regardless of their background or beliefs.
2. **Empathy**: Put ourselves in others' shoes and understand their perspectives, struggles, and triumphs.
3. **Forgiveness**: Let go of grudges and past conflicts, choosing instead to move forward with compassion and understanding.
4. **Cooperation**: Work together to address common challenges and build a brighter future for all.
5. **Education**: Promote cultural exchange, language learning, and interfaith dialogue to foster greater understanding and appreciation.

**Personal Examples:**

* Moses' story of leadership and compassion serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy and understanding in building bridges between communities.
* Ben-Hur's journey from slave to leader illustrates the transformative power of forgiveness and the human capacity for redemption.
* The Arab-Israeli conflict can be seen as a complex web of historical, political, and emotional factors. By acknowledging these complexities and working together to find solutions, we can build bridges that promote peace and understanding.


* "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Mahatma Gandhi
* "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela
* "We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies." - Abraham Lincoln

**Action Plan:**

1. **Create a Global Network**: Establish a platform for people from diverse backgrounds to connect, share their stories, and learn from each other.
2. **Cultural Exchange Programs**: Develop programs that facilitate cultural exchange, language learning, and interfaith dialogue.
3. **Community Engagement**: Organize community events, workshops, and conferences that promote understanding and cooperation.
4. **Education and Awareness**: Develop educational materials, documentaries, and online resources that highlight the importance of empathy, forgiveness, and cooperation.
5. **Leadership Development**: Support leaders who embody the principles of the Bridge of Understanding, providing them with resources and platforms to share their stories.


The Bridge of Understanding is a concept that embodies the values of empathy, forgiveness, cooperation, and mutual respect. By embracing these principles, we can build a world where people from diverse backgrounds come together to create a brighter future for all.

Thank you for trusting me with this vision. I hope this concept inspires you to join me in building a world where bridges are stronger than walls.

domingo, 3 de febrero de 2013

His will be done

These words of you are sweeter than candies. Besides, I don´t know where or how to start giving you an answer, but I´ll try my best.

First of all, I don´t make plans. I used to. I agree they serve you to anything like a guiding plan, like a road map, but the end result it´s not as it is (or was) expected.
When being a child I set in mind some dreams and by age, I recognized some on them were forgotten or left aside, for any reason or lacking enough attention to fulfill them.

Have you watched that movie of Disney-Pixar´s, named “UP”? (I like it!).

These two people on that story met when being too young. The little girl was proactive, independent and that fat and young boy who she met was a follower…
Certain moment later they married (I love it!) and soon they started to save some money to buy an additional house, somewhere in Venezuela (near Angel´s fall, in Bolivar state). He was a balloons seller and she worked in a tourism office.

They usually set money into a glass and when it was needed, they took money off from that saving stock: Their roof was broken by a falling tree, their car was damaged… so they used the money they have in store.

When that young lady became old, they have lived up a lot, together, but never could buy such a second house they have planned to buy –long ago- to move to the place they dreamed of (Venezuela).

What´s hindering life to let our dreams flow and become true? (sometimes money lack).

When the lady died, that man alone did what they have planned and longer postponed. He, on that Disney´s movie, did what I cannot do with flying balloons: He left his place on earth, and move to another land he has longed for too long. I wish I have winds! I wish I could fly and know where I most go.

I loved that movie!

It keeps on teaching and giving me life lessons (so I recommend it).

Your letter, which I read as I interpreted (and corrected to myself) will be attached to an empty email. I don´t want to live like people who always plan and never achieve. I wish I could do some minutes things and issues, but the price I must pay is always uncertain and, besides, I know but a little about you.

I like the way you think, but I haven´t met you personally. Let´s say I´m afraid, and I acknowledge that no one else says what you said, but that´s no enough: I´ve been hurt that way several times, that I don´t know the man I am now.

I was a man who easily believed, who easily loved, and I´m not that man I used to be. Pain changes me! Same way mistakes and faults.

By September 2012 I met somebody. I think I had found the best woman I could have thought, but I was wrong. She gave me wings to start loving her, but she had her own hidden agenda, her own plans, and I thank her for the love lesson she gave me and learnt: I must not love those I don´t really know.

When meeting her I said, to myself: “This is the one I have longed for”. There were some parts of her being I didn´t liked, but –in general- I thought: “How am I? I don´t deserve a woman like this and, if she accepted me (being poor, ugly, seven-times despised). Who am I to ask a little more?

I started to live up what I thought I could not live again. I was like a child, like a man on his youth, and stopped looking at other girls, at other legs, and soon I knew I was in love. (God! I thought that was impossible).

I had my own dreams. I knew there were economic things hindering me (and us) But I started to change (from the inside out).

I always had in mind certain things. I reduced some parameters of my standards to cope with, and I knew she wasn´t the “right one”… Same way I knew I WASN´T HER RIGHT ONE, too. (But I loved her as she has accepted me, as well).

She was a nice looking woman, from the inside, from the outside. I wanted to spread that love I felt all over her, but I did not.

Differences aroused soon, so I knew what to face, but I stayed up to the last moment (The moment I knew she had another man she liked: More than me).

A long term relationship needs too many things I cannot count to myself. A never ending relationship is a foolish dream, and the more we go different, the less we attract or draw.

Men and women need physical attraction. Similar hobbies and likes in common may serve to share, but we are a changing skin, same way we become another, day after day (the only ONE who never changes is God).

I don´t know you. I love the way you say: “I will go, I promise this”, but I haven´t finished building my own house, in more than 10 years.

That trip to Colombia took me a year to be done. I did not save, but got the money from the work I had been doing that moment, and that paid me enough to buy my bus ticket (then I saw how God gave me the chance to meet the woman I liked there, because I knew her by pictures, chats, videos and phone calls).

From here, I could send her some money to buy a pair of glasses she needed. But It wasn´t my money, but God´s 10% I saved for people in need...

After a year, I have enough to pay for my bus ticket and, when meeting in Colombia, she asked me to take her home to Venezuela, because she decided to follow me “to know me”, and so she did.

Later on, a full year in Venezuela, we moved on to Colombia.  There we lived with her family, having a room and a borrowed bed. That relationship there lasted 5 months only (and here we spent more than a year to get and save money for the planned trip, by 2010).

How could I buy an airplane ticket to nowhere? (being realistic, I guess).

It´s easier to walk by sight, than by faith…

The love story of the “UP” movie, end it up well. They made up plans together, but only one did it (and it´s just a fantasy movie).

The next love story passed, by September 2012. I thought she was “the best”. I made my own dreams (those I never shared) and those days I started to walk by faith, because I knew who I am, but had the pleasure to share with a woman I liked: She was used to be rich (now poor) but I could give her things I could buy with my own money, with the effort of my hands and daily toils (she gave me nothing, but her attention).

The Colombian love story was real. It wasn´t so intense like this left behind recently (It passed away) But love is always real and needs things we seldom have. I am afraid to fail again.

We can dream our dreams, but time and a budget are always needed.

How could I walk overseas? Simon Peter walked over waters, and failed walking in front of Jesus Christ, himself.

I only own 21 US dollars, and learnt to live each day after a day.

I don´t care if it is biblical or not. I do live one day at a day.

I don´t need to dream, I don´t like making plans. I do what I do.

My life has not been what I´d have planned. I do not regret what I´ve done, but I could have done more if I had known.

My Colombian project needed money.

My recent love “project” needed money, also. But I´m glad it is gone: I did not belong to any who could cheat on me.

What if you meet someone you like more?

What if I find someone else near?

Besides, our creeds are different. I won´t attend your church and I´m not sure on what Church I most belong. (I´m not a Church goer, although I love all those values you really own: No one like you!).

I´m marveled on the way you are (kind, upright, a noble Christian, etc.) and I most confess that that joke -I thought it was a real prayer- spoiled anything in me. (Sorry! It led me to doubts, and being truly true, I don´t remember where I asked you to be my “wife” or pen-girlfriend; but we remain as friends, if you are please).

I´m being honest, with me and you.

As friend I received you. If you want and need overseas experience, I welcome you, even in my “home” (and we know now it´s a kind of hut) Ha! Ha!

I like you for those values many would despise, those some people would disdain, but not me. You are a real woman, a Christian one, bigger than me (but I´m not Catholic).

In Colombia, that one I was about to marry started to be as she was pleased to be. I wanted to be married for the benefit of marrying there, but I won´t make a mistake twice: The person I loved changed there. And I won´t marry another for legal rights to stay, to be out somewhere.

At my age, for me, it seems foolish to marry a woman for “legal” sex. I once made that mistake, and a divorce certificate is tagged along to a woman for my personal faults. I won´t marry a woman to have sex and, being honest (too) I have nothing to give while I´m getting old: I noticed how my sex drive has changed. I wish I had a woman, only for me, but if I´m not pleasing? If she needs much more that I can give?

I´m talking about money, pleasure, as means of self human gratification, as these things are commonly thought to be pleasing and sought in everybody´s life.

I don´t want to be cheated.

I don´t like cheating; but if I am not giving enough? If I´m not doing things well? (Will I be pleased with someone I don´t love?)

No! I rather admit my fears than being hurt. I can get or give me some little things, and these are better than disappointing another´s dreams.

Time is doing its job on me. I´m not a tired iron but, am I getting too old?
My own Mom still have foolish dreams of marrying a rich man who gives her all she wants… (and she is an old woman of her 70).

A relationship, any, needs hugs, touching and kissing. Talking and going out are a most, but being worlds apart, not having one common root on the same soil, is unsafe to belong.

I´ve heard one voice, but I´ve heard these reasons: I´m almost 52. How long will I live? (And I hate living with the people I´m disbelieving).

I don´t dare to plan the morrow ´cause I haven´t seen the sun.

I cannot say: “I´ll be there” because none knows who is coming in, on the stage of this theatre of deceitful life.

I don´t know what women like. I know they love receiving more then giving, and each time I tried my best, I failed: I cannot dream of being hired in Venezuela. That´s why I´m self employed and I get enough to daily food.

Have I told you that God uses some people to give me shoes and clothing?

I work, not everyday, but God has helped me to get enough to keep on living, because I´m not in a payroll list, I have no saving account nor credit cards.
Will that serve to be everybody´s life pleasing?

I am not actually giving money my own children. How could I help backing up somebody´s life into a new relationship? There´s a price I most pay, but love isn´t enough for a daily living.

I wish I knew what way would be enough and pleasing.

Having someone to hug and tenderly kiss is not a foolish dream, but I don´t own a bed of smelling roses.

It´s easy to walk by sight, and pain toiling the road I chose.

How could I be with someone, not buying a pair of shoes?

Venezuela is not my place.

I do not belong to it, but it´s the place I´ve owned.

Love is an adventure!

It´s like reading a novel seeing me as a featuring character, like an evolving actor…

Self gratification is not what I sought, but it´s anything from nothing (and I considered those who have nothing in nothing).

I don´t dare to dream.

I won´t dream, not any longer.

How could I stop myself from daydreaming?

There are so many things missing. This life is such a mess, that I promised not to dream, not any more.

What for? To wake up, later on?

I spent 50 years of my entire life daydreaming.

Those I once loved are gone or set aside. I have caused hurts, pains. Not any more! If I don´t have what I lack, I won´t live too long (I don´t have a plan to live longer: No matter how much I´ve failed).

Some people hear voices. I only heard an angel´s voice once and he said: Calm down!” And this is what I plan to do.

I cannot live for tomorrow if I don´t start from today´s.

You are free!
I own nothing, not even a breath of life.

I care not for tomorrow.
I won´t make any plan.

I live one day each day.

Some may say “it´s biblical” but I´d say “It´s practical”. I cannot plan for tomorrow, if I can´t live a simple day.

Achievements serve as for passed references or experiences we´ve learnt.

Success is the final step after the last effort to get anything (and I´d better to show these empty hands, this empty mind).

No one wrote beautiful things like those you showed, but I promised nothing to myself.

You go. Follow your heart and get your dreams done.

I rather walk along, empty handed.

I´m sure of nothing.

I won´t plan anything unless being driven or receiving a hint.

I´ve failed! But this time I go alone, I won´t hurt no one else.

I cannot help others if it is proven I haven´t helped me enough. I wish I had a place, and that I really own, cannot fly with balloons.

I loved some of your plans, but I most be realistic: I´m not a teenager.
You need to go your own.

Pen-palling, as an example, is not enough to establish a human relationship. It serves as a means of sharing, meeting, but not getting or nurturing.
Does a phone call add anything?

My past experience shows me that I most belong. People most belong to be strongly united, to be equally yoked, more than words promised or simple plans shared because we´ve liked.

Besides, showing you these things, some things went off when I planned to write.

These days my prayers became an empty talk.

I wish they were a real talk to God, but I´m tired to listen to my voice: I don´t like talking to me alone (that´s why I write them).

I know He is real, but it´s easier to place an international phone call -to any phone number- than listening to what He wants me to understand.

I cannot love God by reading.

I can´t get enough, from a second hand experience.

Saul Paul (St. Paul) he himself said: “Faith comes by hearing”.

What kind of FAITH should this be?
What kind of HEARING we human need?

The Bible is a second hand experience. The Bible is written, not SPOKEN, and it keeps on TALKING in spite of its “mute” sound on history.

What hinders me to listen to God directions?

Lack of faith?
Lack of hearing? (and hearing is obeying, sometimes).

Let´s say I haven´t abandoned myself to be His, for being me, while trying to be mine.

Who knows?

A remote love experience is not enough. It happens to me, it happens to many, and someone has to be near, easily met, not this way (I admit I was wrong. I didn´t know how wrong I was).

I have seen, in this present life, that certain things are confirmed:
1)      By circumstances.
2)      By the witness of two or three people who do not know what you needed to   know.
3)      By direct examples and answers to prayers.

That woman in Colombia is (or was) Catholic and she used to talk to God and He guided her (there was a case -of two stars- I actually mentioned and made public).

I have heard of people who had direct answers or some people´s witness that helped them to make right decisions (and those who did wrong choices).

Recently, some of my relatives told me a story where one of my extended family was spared from being robbed, while travelling in a bus.

God is real and always sends His messengers, one way or another.

You´ll have such a message or the messenger.

I myself need directions: The message or the messenger (to avoid my mess).

He! He!

I gave up.

I gave my life up to His and no matter I say this or that: His will be done!


miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012

To some who reads with her heart…

Music like languages, are made of sounds. I ventured to check your German, and guess what? It sounds like a native speaker.

We are not musicians, but we have a trained earing. We "see" how a player plays it well or ugly. I don´t know why, but we are trained to listen to BEAUTY and some birds eagerly sing from the bottom, too. The thing most be within the heart, the core being dressed up with human skins.

"I enjoy reading very much". If you are used to read aloud, to make sound records of your readings, I´d like to hear some of those MP3, ´cause I felt it like a child paying attention to that reading, and I wondered you also read for your children and husband, and such reading is vivid, enthusiastic, motivational (I´d say).

Make records and send them to blind kids. You could open their eyes by sights! And don´t feel offended if I, an old man -like me- opens his heart and tells you what he never felt this way. When I heard your reading I imagined myself being part of a Disney´s movie. So you have a healing voice God can use to bring joy, health... to whomever it reaches. Perhaps is not your voice alone, but a pure heart beneath

Thank you for bringing me this joy today (it tastes like that cup of coffee I have shown, from you).

Jealousy operates

By last June 2012 I had a penfriend who came back to Venezuela from Colombia. I had no idea on how her life could be and it was her smart idea to meet, so I accepted on the basis she wanted to give me that surprise as a birthday present...

She was a young looking woman. I thought she was in the habit of using her "old" pictures on facebook, but I had more than a year reading her blog notes on www.pecado.com. That was the woman I wanted to help, and I did it to certain degree (but I never thought she has so many fans flirting or wooing her).

When I gave her access to facebook I noticed lots of pictures. I saw but I few of hers, but she insisted on clicking “LIKE” to each and all of my pictures (so I got confused and thought she actually LIKED me).

After the first met, in fact that day we met, I felt it was my time to tell her how much I have liked her pictures (I din´t see all, just because she was with many men around or MANY were clicking I LIKE or posting words to flirt). 

We met by 3 pm, and did not stop paying attention to each other the time we noticed it was 10 pm. That moment I insisted to bring her to her house, because Caracas is a dangerous city and we went walking (I have no car).

After that first blind date (I wasn´t sure those pictures were the nice looking woman she really is).

We met frequently, on the basis of sharing time on chats, reading love poems I wrote for her, SMS messages or phone calls...

I stopped myself from loving (liking her) when I realized she had another SHE LIKED who invited her to go to Spain. He paid and sent the round airplane tickets from Europe, and I wasn´t sure he really knew I was dating her by those days and, besides this, I considered she was cheating someone (specially me) because I have believed the sweet and kind words she used to say wooing (and there were kisses, close hugs and the harm tenderness I missed for years) and that day she wanted sex (I never touched her that way) my jealousy ran out to understand she was a liar (or an unsafe person to trust all my heart). That day I understood she was willing to spend a month in Europe, but unwilling to spend one night in my own house.

What was I doing there? I faced the truth...

She was a "loving" person not interested in being utterly committed, so that hurt me more than those words I have believed, and I undergone the simple choice taken and the rejection she made: I needed love! (I thought she was the woman I needed) and my seeking was not for sex (but that helped me to understand I´m not able to love again, if my wallet still being empty or coping with people like that).

Her right choice and uncovered cheating helped me to overcome the fantasy of being remarried (I have to be rich enough to get that dream done).

Jealousy operates same way.

A.T.                 Dec 26, 2012

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012

A man like me

Interesting, brother! 

The way you approached this subject on how you think religion is seems to be true, but it´s not. Catholics in your country are those people you´ve mentioned. Here, a catholic, is a man (like me) who may unite to a woman and never would marry (no matter if she is pregnant). A catholic here, is a man, like me, who woos all the girls he may attract, and would cheat on most of them, just because he may think, for himself: "God loves me! And those girls wanted me to "love" them, without the commitment of marriage".

A catholic man here, is a man who goes to a party, like me, and pretends to be engaged with any woman who smiles at first sight at pays no attention if she is married or not, because he is a sinner, like me, who says for himself: "If she is willing to love, I´m a willing man" (and cares very little if friends give him disapproval for doing such a sin of cheating or “helping” others to cheat).

Such a catholic man goes to a church and later on, any day, goes to spiritual session to consult a gypsy or a sorcerer, just to get information on the business he needs and seeks or the woman he likes or could meet soon... This "catholic" man -like me- goes to a party and get drunk (or drugged) and cares very little on what he says or does. Later on, like me, he addresses a prayer to any "saint" (an idol) just to get some help on his/her cause.

No, my friend! 

In October 2011, I wanted to love and be loved, and felt same way all catholic men fall "in" love here and, at the long run; we hurt and make no good.

After a year, once again, I thought I have found the correct woman by June - September 2012 (I´m sure it was love!). This woman had many interesting things on behalf of her: “She was like me”, I would say. But she had another man she liked (she “told” me later) and I believed she was honest enough… She was in the process of being healed and divorced (while a man overseas called her to leave Venezuela). She told me she never intended to hurt me, but having a relationship with two men, at least (I have hurt more than that).

But this love lesson taught me I was unable to give more than some men could give.

How come could I be better than I am?
Why haven´t I had the presentiment of something going wrong?
Let´s suppose I have a good job, let´s imagine I´m handsome enough… How could I control a woman´s heart? (I´ve failed same way).

In the past, I used to be like these people I avoid now: I stole, I cheated, I did wrong, but I stopped.

I´ve heard Catholics use no idols there.

Here we have men or women set up in our family altars. We worship beauty, money, pleasure… And no matter what denomination we say we belong or attend to.

Here I´ve known how the "virgin" Mary is addressed in their prayers as “mother and savior”.

Can´t they read the Bible? Why do they not pay attention to what Acts 4:12 says?

Can you tell me what miracle empowered the apostles or churches to save people?

Tell me where the Gospel teaches me I should call on the “virgin” Mary to be saved.  The Bible warns me enough on whom I must trust.

No regret on being an atheistic who believes the Bibles has some add-ons, believing it is not enough to build a love relationship with God, especially if I´m not listening to His personal and direct voice.

For such an atheistic man -like me- it is like being “a friend” of Oscar Wilde or Emily Brontë, just for the reason I read their books or ideas, while pretending I can learn to sort out my deepest needs, unsolved questions or human longings just by using whatever thing these writers have said and written on their books.

I thank God that He brings us living answers at any time.

I´m happy that, someday, we´ll find what we were seeking; but reading the Bible is not enough if we miss our daily longings to interact with His Spirit and our human needs.

I´m not lying if I say most of Disney´s movies have some elements related to magic solutions and “miraculous” fascination like love potions, enchantments and spelled things that help sort out human needs connected to love, power, desires…

I can´t cast words that change my whole life, but my desires are the same any man wishes like Disney´s. Are not these things shown on the Bible?:  The power of a final resurrection, life after life, miraculous feeding of people, walking over the water, the appearing of helping angels, the healing power of love and being forgiven to love… These are some of the biblical formulae worked on God´s side, too.

Devotional times are sought while being here assembled and considered His sheep.

Prayers are cast to find divine answers to human feelings, unaccomplished desires on a new human condition, but strong emotional times are followed -while and after- of being a Catholic man like me, who sins denying I´m a sinner.

How different am I from Adam? I want myself to be god to please my life the best way I consider.

If I could, I´d find the way to live my own life, being my own god.

Brother! There are many kinds of religious syncretism on earth.

Some may say that marriage is not needed to enjoy a woman as a wife, same way there´s no need to pay what we´ve put into our pocket or backpack when going to a market place...

I´m sure, I´m Sure! Such a faith serves for nothing in my life.

I´m sure I´ll be saved because of God´s love and faith for me. He knows who I am, who I´m trying to be without knowing what hinders me to reach what I have liked the whole life. That salvation -if occurs- will be my second chance to change what I was unwilling to accept: My inability to be like He is.  

Many people will be saved, but such a divine faith does good, instead of wrong

Could I stop myself from doing evil? (Yes! Yes! Trusting He who loves me more than I could).

Let´s say I´m ALWAYS far from getting my salvation for doing good deeds (that´s true) but the importance of faith is not utterly mine, but that God has put on me. It´s not that that would operate on me for doing good, but that He has put on ALL sinners to help us change and convert from sinning: This is an ACT OF FAITH FROM US.  

God trusts on me to change, even He knows I´m an unfaithful sinner. I should expect failures. I unwillingly could come short to please my flesh, my passions or stupidity... That´s the kind of divine faith I see we humans are granted, that God knowing the kind of human man I AM, He still trusting on me to utterly change.

That´s LOVE brother! 

I don´t know how to bypass my human desires, my longings, and He insists on me to change, because He let me know how I am each time I failed doing wrong.

Once I know how I behaved (like any man in this world) I know we all deserve mercy, and He blesses us with a second and third chance to change and be converted: He trusted me! He trusts you! (And He does the same with any man/woman).

As you said, Robert: “it seems to me that most of the Catholic men's and women's problems center around their reliance of freely sinning with an excuse of being able to run to their priest and being forgiven.  And also their insulation from God because they interface with idols, medals, things to wear, interfacing with Mary, dead saints and patron saints”.

A.Toro       Dec 2012